Saturday, October 4, 2008

Annika, Jen, & Dusty

I began baby-sitting my niece Annika when she was around 3 months old. I figured there was no time to waste and I began teaching her how to say, "Jen." Repeating it over and over. For some reason, she didn't catch on. However, when she would come to visit at Grandma & Grandpa's house she sure caught on and learned how to say, "Dusty's" name. Dusty is our family dog. What is harder, "Jen" for which I even told her she could say, "En" or "Dusty." Whatever. =^) Annika loves loves loves Dusty. When they pull up to our house she begins saying his name and when she looks at books with dogs, she says his name.

We went to Lagoon a couple weeks ago and I went on the Merry-Go-Round with Annika & Alisha. Annika rode a dog like Dusty (he is a yellow lab). I think that she had lots of fun. She was trying to take it all in more than she was just enjoying it. But she did smile and show that she was liking it. At one point though she grabbed onto Alisha's hair all scared like. I thought that she was going to jump off the dog. lol. Lots of fun. Good times, good times.


Alisha LeBaron said...

oh... I love all the pictures. I guess I should get dad's camera and steal them. I know that one day she will say jen! Hopefully soon. Maybe she will learn mom and jen at the same time! :)

Garity said...

She is so cute! Her outfit is perfect! I'm seriously ready for this next one to be a girl!

Don't worry, my 18 month old still doesn't say 'mama' about crushing! All 'dada' all the time.

becky rigby said...

You came down here and didn't even tell me? Jen, I'm hurt. But Annika is so stinkin' cute. We need to get our neices and go for a picnic. I bet they'll be best friends. By far the best looking girls on the block. :)

Hilary said...

Hey Jen! Your blog is so fun to read! I can't believe Alisha has an 18 month old! You look so good! I hope everything is going well!