Friday, October 17, 2008

Biking Again

Last week I started biking again. Well I had been on one really short ride prior to this one but I almost wrecked on my bad leg so I stayed away for a while deciding I'd heal a little longer. This ride was fun though, my friend Bethany and I tried to follow the Latoja trail and biked out to Newton and back. Still not very long but my ankle was getting shocks sent through it every time I would push down on the petal. After a while of not riding like this I decided we should turn around although I did not want to. I felt fine, it was just the ankle. Shoot. This is where stationary bikes come in handy because I said, "I will ride as far as I can until it hurts," but then it starts to hurt, I go a mile farther hoping it will get better, it doesn't and then I have to bike the rest of the way with it paining me. LOL. No bueno. Oh well, it was so fun and so nice to get out and be doing things again!
Apparently my ankle is still "unusually swollen" (I am told) so the Doctor and my physical therapist gave me a pair of socks that are supposed to help the swelling go down. This is how hott my legs looked on the ride with my special sock on. LOL.


Alisha LeBaron said...

WOW Jen your legs looks super toned! Look at those hott legs! Well I am really glad that you are back biking! Just remember to be safe!

becky rigby said...

Jen, your legs look HOT!!! Ow ow I'm going to get you a stationary bike. I can't have you getting stuck somewhere in the middle of no where (aka Logan) without someone to help. I miss you.

Ashley said...

Hey dont' knock the socks, I have to wear them when I am pregnant! Nothing wrong with a really white leg... I am glad you had fun, but try no to injur yourself again!

Jackie Norris said...

I'm impressed you are biking so soon! You are amazing!