Monday, March 28, 2011


I figured that my scuba diving pictures were enough, but then I was going through my snorkling pictures and I found some that showed some fish that I didn't see scuba diving so I decided to make yet another post about Cozumel... Here are some pics (and bear with me... i can never stop with the pictures...):
This may be may be my favorite picture (can you tell why?):

If you are dying to know then scroll down to the bottom of the post. Otherwise, just think about it...

I snorkled with Kj, which was completely awesome. We had so much fun. Even though we couldn't talk we kept bursting up laughing and having to come up for more air just to get the laughs out. We saw tons of amazing fish and it only made me want to go out again and again to keep seeing more. Thankfully, that was completely possible because of where we were staying! Woot!

Not the most flattering pictures and you may not even be able to tell, but I was swimming with a whole school of fish here...

This was too cool to see in real life. We loved it!

And can you tell this fish (above and below) are different? They look so similar...

So many of these aren't that colorful... I just liked them because the fish are so camoflauged.

When Kj went to lay out more I did get back in the ocean and continued to snorkle for a while. It was pretty spactacular.

I loved seeing the fish eat off the rocks - like this little white fish doing here:

Any idea what this leopard type fish is? I am very curious...

I loved seeing how some areas, by the reef - were pretty rocky, others were complete, perfect sand without a rock even, and some was all plant. It was very neat.

And the reason why I love the top photo so much! The camoflauged fish! I saw one of these when I went scuba diving but I wasn't quick enough to catch a picture before it got scared and swam away. I didn't even know I got a picture of this one until just tonight when I was going through my pictures. LOVE IT!

You can double-click to see the picture larger - but I thought it was totally awesome.
Snorkling in Cozumel = 2 thumbs way way up!


Mandy said...

That's crazy! I would have never known that fish was there if you hadn't circled it.

Chelsey said...

Woah, that totally doesn't look like a fish. I kept looking at the picture thinking hmm....maybe she likes the lighting on the sea floor? That's funny.

Kellee Cachoo said...

That's so cool that fish is kinda creepy. Good eye to find that one girl. haha I can't believe how clear those pics are underwater. I'm just going to have to get me one for Australia, I can't go without one haha. Looks too fun.

Krista said...

Soo cool! How did you even spot that fish!? What a fun trip!

HeatherAnn said...

Your mystery fish looks like a Honeycomb Cowfish, but I'm no expert...just a google junkie.