Thursday, July 17, 2008

"That was a great break..."

Well I am sure everyone is tired of hearing about the broken leg. I know I am. I went to the doctor today to have my two-week post-op and figured they'd tell me I could start walking a little. (Other people who got a plate & screw put in said they had two weeks of bed rest and then they were putting 25% weight on their leg for a week then 50%, then 75%, then by the end of the 6 weeks they were 100% walking again.) Well they took some x-rays and then the doctor showed me what was happening and then he said, "You have 4 weeks of no walking." I kinda knew he meant 4 more weeks but I said enthusiastically, "Okay, 2 down 2 to go." He said, "Uh-no. 4 more weeks... 6 total. Then we will talk about putting a little pressure on it." He drew me a picture on the paper I was sitting on and showed me exactly what happened and exactly why the break messed everything up. He said, "That was a great break. Yep, you broke it real nice."

So I still can't walk and I am pretty much on bedrest except now I can sit with my foot up. Not just lay. Awe yeah! I am feeling good!


Jackie Norris said...

Oh man! I'm so sorry! I hope you recover quickly and you can keep busy. Watch lots of good movies and read lots of good books!

Alisha LeBaron said...

I am so sorry! I can't believe that it is going to take that long! But I guess that just means more time that you can hang out with me and annika without worrying about work!

Adam and Aubrey said...

I bet you're realllllly wishing you would've taken instant cement with you. Or looked before you "leapt". DAng girl. That blows. Maybe Kona and I will make it over to you. Maybe if Alisha calls me. Maybe. . . You're totally worth it.

Lindsey said...

Jen!!!! Holy Cow! I just found you again...and I am so sorry about your break, but way excited that you have been in Africa. (What is with all my crazy mission companions and their out of country experiences!) Email me your number and I'll give you a call. I am not working any more so I have lots of time and I want to hear about how you ended up in Africa....obviously a lot has happened to you since we last chatted...