A fourth-generation cattleman, Bret Reeder has had a Wild West mustache ever since he grew enough whiskers to create one. Careful grooming, done daily, turns stray stands into a curiosity that the grandkids love to grab. “If you sleep on it, it’s kind of a bad hair day,” Reeder says. “I re-wax it every morning.” In addition to running cattle on the family spread in Utah, he shoes horses, works as a pickup man at rodeos, and maintains the county’s cattle guards on rural roads. Making ends meet “takes quite a few jobs,” he says.
My uncle Brett is a cowboy model. That was a description under his picture in the national geographic. It is a great picture but I couldn't get it to copy onto my blog. There is a link but it takes you to all the pictures. Shoot. Well...
I went to the 24th of July Rodeo with my family. My uncle Brett was a pick-up man. It was SO FUN to watch him. I love rodeo's and I love riding horses. It was so nice to get out and be there. My parents created a spot for me to lay down with my foot up in the van during travel and my aunt got us seats where I would be able to have my foot elevated. lol. What a great family I have right!? My foot was hurting the majortiy of the time but the rodeo was a BLAST!!!! Here's a story from the evening...
Near the beginning there was a guy walking up the stairs and I was watching him thinking, "That guy looks like he could be on TV." So I said to Alli, "Alli! Look at that guy! He looks like he could be on TV huh!?" He was just that good looking. We were both just watching him walk up the stairs and when he got to our special seats he looked at us and totally caught us staring. Haha. Oh well. He went back down the stairs later and I pointed him out again, "Alli, watch him again. Just look at him. He kinda looks like Nick Lachey right!?" So we watched him again. A little while later (I think he has ADD) he got up again. This time part way up the stairs a girl stopped him and got her picture with him. I was like, "Alli! I think he really is on TV!! ASK HIM!!!!" We debated as he walked past us of who would as him if he was on TV. I won and she asked. (I looked hideous taking a break from bed rest. Yuck! He did not want to talk to me!) Anyways, he came back and he sat down right by us. Yea-ah! The seat right next to mine. Whoop, whoop. I elbowed Alli and she said, "Excuse me. You look really familiar." He said, "Ya..." and they just sat there nodding to each other. So I said, "Ask him if he is on TV." So she said, "Are you on TV!?" He was like, "Ya..." Then they again just nodded at each other. I said, "Ask him what show." So she said, "What show are you on!?" He said, "Bones." We said, "Oh." and then everyone nodded at each other. I had no idea what Bones was since I haven't watched TV in who knows how long. He moved because some people had to get past to get to their seats and he stood behind me so I chatted with him a little more and then Alli & I got our pictures with him.
He was way nice. We came home and looked up Bones and him online and he is much cuter in real life. There was this old lady sittin in front of us getting ready to retire with her husband and after he walked off and was going down the stairs after talking to us she turned around and said, "He has a nice body!" I was like, "Um-yep!"
I just thought it was funny that as soon as I saw him I was like, "That guy could be on TV." And then he really was. What are the chances?! In good ol' SL!