Thursday, July 28, 2011


I like to attribute my new found gift of #winning to Charlie Sheen. Although I don't think he really passed any luck on, he definitely set the stage for me to notice how #epic my winning has become.

After hearing all about Charlie Sheen while in Cozumel from Kjersten and Amanda. I tweeted him and won some tickets for them to his show in Boston.

This was actually the first time I wanted to set my Twitter account on private. All these people started following me and mentioning me and sending me messages. Some of them seemed a little crazy so I got worried. Thankfully I think that they all found out I don't know Charlie Sheen and they stopped following me and telling me to tell him stuff. (And the crazy ones left me alone! Whew!)

Shortly there after I entered a caption contest and won $100 to Rodizio Grill.

I decided I should keep entering contests. Mother's Day weekend I won $20 to Roosters and $10 to Grounds for Coffee. Two eateries 1/2 a block away from my work.

A little while later I win $100 for tweeting a picture of my lunch,

then I win $100 again.

Then I win $100 for Mike. Woot Woot! What luck.
(I told him he needed to get a passport with it... We'll see if he really does...)

I also won a cupcake from the Vintage Cupcake Factory
I got Maple Bacon because there is no way I would actually purchase that flavor cupcake. Surprisingly it was actually really good. It was more maple than bacon so I liked it. (I have had cupcakes from there that are NASTY! So it's saying something that it was good.)

I won some free henna...

A $25 Visa gift card...

A book on how to be a good parent...

and most recently, I won some Katy Perry tickets!

How awesome is technology where we can enter contests and win fun stuff like all of that!?!?!? I LOVE IT and hope there is more #winning to come!


Mandy said...

Look at you go! How do you hear about all of these contests?

Ashley said...

You are the luckiest person I know!!!! I am so jealous!