Friday we had yummy food, ate s'mores, played with the girls and just got settled in by talking and catch up.
Saturday morning we had a yummy breakfast. Everything seems better when it's made with a dutch oven or outside at all for that reason.
Afterwards Jordan insisted we play Topple like 20 times (or until he won). Which was fun, we all hadn't played that game forever! Then we went fishing (nobody caught anything), and then while the boys played basketball, us girls got all the swim gear together. We went swimming and enjoyed the warm weather while it lasted.
After changing Annika and I went to watch a game of horse shoes.
We took a break from watching to play "Pooh Sticks." We would both find a stick, or something that we could throw on one side of the bridge and then we would wait to watch it come out the other side. If was fun and she really got into it.
Alisha and Ady
Adalyn grabbed her blanket and snuggled up down on the ground while we watched the horse shoe game. It was cute!
Ady fell on her face the middle of last week and was a little scratched up. Then on Monday she got a runny nose. Poor girl. She looked sad but was completely happy, just her normal little cute self.
It started raining shortly after that and so we ate more amazing dutch oven food under the RV canopy and watched movies inside. It was a still a nice night despite the rain. (Annika watching a movie while lounging on Mike.)
Mike and I left camping a little early so that we could go to a big Memorial Day Breakfast with his family. The breakfast was HUGE! One family sponsors the breakfast and has been doing so for 40 years now. (It was their 40th anniversary this year!) They make sourdough pancakes, fried eggs and ham served with juice and milk. I thought it was incredible that one family does this for whoever wants to come. This year there was approximately 1,000 people who joined in and ate the yummy food. It was a pretty huge event. I must say the pancakes were as delicious as I was told they would be.
After we visited a lot of Mike's family and went to the cemetery so he could visit his Grandma's grave. We went 4-wheeling to an Elk Farm, up into the mountains and by Lover's Lane. Oak City is a very cute little town and it was fun spending the day there.
The bottom of a rainbow - looked a little more like the Northern Lights than a rainbow :0)