Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sky Dive Zion

I decided I needed an adrenaline rush.

That's how most things begin.

I got Sky Diving in my head and it wouldn't leave.

I set a date, got some friends and hit the road.

We had SO MUCH FUN!!!!

We watched them fold our parachutes right before we jumped. Growing up we had all heard stories about how one wrong fold can cause the chute to not work right. We put a lot of trust in this guy and thank goodness he didn't let us down!
(Amanda and I laying out by the pool after the big jumps!)

I went back to St. George for a visit (still had the condo until the end of April). My friends Amanda and Tracy decided that they would go sky diving with me and hopped in. We went down Friday night and woke up early Saturday morning to drive to the Hurricane airport.
I was SO EXCITED, Tracy was ready to go and Amanda… well Amanda was scared to death! She was SO FUNNY! We had to pay in advance to reserve our spots and Amanda was SO SCARED that even pulling into the small airport she was convinced that she was willing to lose her money just so she didn't risk losing her life. She thought she was going to die. When we had to sign waivers she skipped all the spaces claiming that she knew people die sky diving. But by the end, she did jump!
Jumping was absolutely incredible! We all went up in the plane one by one and flew to 11,000 feet. It was BEAUTIFUL overlooking Zion; spectacular views. I was more excited than nervous until we reached 10,000 feet and I looked out of the plane and saw the little 2 foot square I had to stand on until we jumped. That only lasted a moment and I reminded myself this was safe and I would be fine. I relaxed and looked forward to the jump.
Once we reached 11,000 feet we opened the door and I stood on the little square waiting for Rick to make sure everything was ready. Once we were good, I jumped. I did two front flips off the plane, which was fun, I can’t describe the rush that I felt but it was an adrenaline rush for sure. We free-fell 6,000 feet in about 45 seconds then I pulled the rip cord and floated with the chute for the last 5,000 feet. I definitely liked the free-fall more than the floating just because we fell faster but both were very unique and needed to be experienced.
The thing that surprised me most about sky diving is how in control the jumper is. It was amazing how we could control how fast or slow we fell, the turns we made and the exact point we dropped to. The instructor said that one of the most dangerous things about sky diving is people don’t realize how in control they are and I can really see how that would make a difference.
Sky Dive Zion was an awesome place to jump and Rick was so great to work with. Everything was very hands-on and he made it an amazing experience for all of us. I definitely recommend Sky Diving to anyone and everyone. I know that I will do it again – and it really isn’t as scary as one would think. So to whoever is reading this post – GO SKY DIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HeatherAnn said...

How fun. If I didn't have growing kids... Maybe someday when I have grown grandkids!

My oldest daughter has been dreaming of jumping for a long time and is finally going tomorrow.

Sara said...

That's so awesome, I want to go one day!

Michael, Brandy, Sophie and Jaxton said...

I could never do that. lol So props to you Jen

Carly said...

i could never do that either, but it's totally you. you are brave and adventurous and crazy like that. we need to get together soon for a lunch date!

Jake and Kristin said...

So Jealous!!!! Glad you were able to go and tell us all about it!

Julie and Nate said...

Wow... just reading your post gave me anxiety. You are a BRAVE woman! I'm impressed.

Ashley said...

I am so glad you are having so much fun! Just remember to be safe! Why are you not on faceboook? Or am I just not your friend any more?