Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fort Lauderdale, FL

For a little post spring break trip this year me and two friends went to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It was AMAZING!!!! So much fun! We were there for about a week... Tuesday to Monday. I have class on Monday so we had to plan around that. It went by as always... too fast but it was a great trip.
Tuesday 3-17: St. Patty's Day, travel to Florida. Amanda & I didn't plan to dress up like twins, but turns out everyone commented on it all day long. Us with our little red headed leprachan.

Wednesday 3-18: It was raining so we toured Ft. Lauderdale a little bit and then did what we do best, made some music videos ;^) We went out dancing later that night at a The Roundup! It is huge and I am pretty sure everyone in FL country dances. It was crazy to see all the different types of people line dancing that I would never see in dancing in UT! We loved it!

Thursday 3-19: We hit the beach! And we hit it hard! ;^) Kj & Amanda got fried and although I don't think I got any color, I must have. We played alot of volleyball and played in the ocean for quite a while. It was really fun. We hit our knee's laughing so hard several times that day. Loved it, loved it, loved it! Then we went to Cici's all you can eat pizza (not really too yummy) and then bowling!

Friday 3-20: Again, we hit the beach. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Had just as much fun as the day before. This time, we added in frisbee! Then we went to the NCAA tournament in Miami and watched the U of U game against Arizona. It was fun cheering for Utah but they really didn't play too well. We stayed and watched the Cleveland game against Wake Forest and that was such a good game! Go Cleveland! So many great plays and players!

Saturday 3-21: We woke up early, ate at the Waffle House (so good!) then went to a HUGE swap shop place where there are basically lots and lots of shopping vendor's and oh my! We spent a lot of time there but didn't really get too much. We aren't good barginer's so we gave up. We went to the Everglades and went on an airboat ride to see the alligators out in the wild. I love airboats! I wanted to wrestle the alligators though or something to make it more exciting. But the guide said no touching them at all! :( We went to an alligator show afterwards and I held a baby Alligator and pretended to kiss it but never actually did. Afterwards I was like, Stupid! I will kiss a giraffe and let it put its tongue in my mouth but I didn't actually kiss the gator!? LAME! So now my new life goal is to kiss a alligator since I had my chance and missed it!

Sunday 3-22: We went to Stake Conference, which was amazing and then yes... we laid out on the beach.


Michael, Brandy, Sophie and Jaxton said...

Jen, I am so jealous of all the places you have been going to. You are so lucky! Looks like you had lots of fun in Florida. :)

The Crookstons said...

Looks like you had a blast!!! You look like you got a lot of sun too. My favorite is the last picture of you on the ground. HAHAH.

Julie said...

Hi Jen
My husband and I used to go line dancing here in SLC FOUR times a week. We loved it. I am diabetic and I am supposed to exercise, but I HATE to exercise, so we went line dancing. I can't do it anymore because of my health, and I truly miss it. You look like you had a blast in Florida and that you have good friends. Enjoy every moment.
Check my daughter's blog (your second cousin) and scroll down (maybe in archives) to see the beautiful painting of Christ holding a beautiful black orphan in Africa (herodiaries.com). If you get to the site, check on the Smith Reader (play on words for Reeder). Julie Rossiter

Alisha LeBaron said...

looks like you had fun! I am glad to see you made it home safe! Man I wish I could have gone. I just want to be tan so bad! Maybe we should just take a fun trip.

The Kippen House said...

I'm so jealous!!! You have so much fun going on all the time. Also, you have like a perma-tan and that is something I will never, ever have. I still love you though!

Courtney McKay said...

How fun are you!! All those awesome places you go!! And how brave with the Alligators!!

Ashlee said...

You laid out on Sunday? You're going to H%*!
Hee hee
Looks like you guys know how to have fun. I need a litte bit more sun here in UT.

KJ said...

hahahahahahaha awwwww long lost memories, what a great trip... I think you left the part out about getting free chip dip and trying your hardest to return it to target lol miss you girls and those days so much!