Sunday, December 21, 2008

Spontaneous Russia

Spontaneous \Spon*ta"ne*ous\,
a. [L. spontaneus, fr. sponte of free will, voluntarily.]
1. Proceding from natural feeling, temperament, or disposition, without constraint;
2. Proceeding from, or acting by, internal impulse, energy, without external force; as, spontaneous motion;

I have decided to be spontaneous. I purchased a ticket last night and if my VISA comes in time I will be heading to Russia on December 26. I will visit Moscow and St. Petersburg for 2 weeks. I told an old Bishop from my mission that I was going on a spontaneous trip and wouldn't be in UT when they came to visit. He asked where I was going and I said, "Russia." He said, "Russia!? ... A trip to Russia is not spontaneous. You want spontaneous go to Le Baeu's. That is spontaneous." LOL. We love Bishop Stewart and I am sad I will miss him and his family. However, I hear now is a good time to go because the Russians hate for American's is supposedly supposed to get worse. (I am going to try and look Russian.)

Anyways, just wanted to let everyone in on the excitement - let's hope my VISA comes by Tues. or Wednesday at the latest because Friday morning I am boarding a plane to Moscow!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little bit of what I am going to see in Moscow & Saint Petersburg:

The Kremlin and Red Square (1156 - 1850) Moscow, RussiaBuilt as a residence for Ivan I, the Kremlin was the official residence of the Czars until the 1917 Russian Revolution. Today, it still houses the President’s office. In front of the Kremlin is Red Square – an impressive and exuberant plaza which, for many people, is associated with the infamous May Day demonstrations. Rising from the square is St Basil's Cathedral, built in the 1550s to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's capture of the Mongol stronghold of Kazan.


Carly said...

Wow- that's awesome. I hope it all works out for you to go!

srmedley said...

Jen! You are crazy! How do you do it all?! I am so jealous of all of your fun adventures! I can't wait to see all of your fun pictures & hear about your time there!! Have fun & be safe! Love ya!

Reesa said...

Leave it to you, Jen! I hope you have a fantastic time! When you get back we'll have to get together so you can tell me all about it! How is your mom with all of this? Has she had a heart attack yet from all your spontinaeity?

The Crookstons said...

I am ok with it I guess, jk!! You better make it home though. I hope that you have an awesome time!!!

Jackie Norris said...

You are crazy and I love it! I bet Russia will be beautiful, take lots of pictures!

It was good to see you at the Inn's party last week!

Angie said...

Hooray for you, Jen!! Remember to take lots of pictures for me since are living my pre-marriage dream of spontaneous traveling. I LOVE it! Have fun, look Russian, and be safe! Oh, and Merry Christmas!

Tina said...

I cannot believe you are going to Russia!! Have so much fun. We really need to get together. I am sad we didn't get to see you at the party the other night too. It was really fun. Have a very safe trip. Hope to see you soon.

The Kippen House said...

Sounds like so much fun! I want to see all the pictures when you get back!

Garity said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS! I'll say that's spontaneous...but I can't say much because I did the same when I bought a ticket to Rome for 2 weeks just spur of the moment decision and had the time of my life! I am so glad you are doing this and I know you will have a blast. You are right about this being a good time to go...little chilly though but as far as relations go, you are right. We have friends here at the embassy who just came back from Moscow and noticed relations were going south even with the locals. Looking forward to your posts when you get back!

Simply Be Photo/Melissa said...

that's exciting! i don't blame you, if I could take a spontaneous trip i would to!! ENJOY IT!!

Courtney McKay said...

how fun!! I hope you have a blast!!!

Scott and Carly said...

Holy Cow Jen!!! those pictures are like postcards...I'm so glad you got to go!!!