Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Christmas Spirit - Truly lasts all year long

I absolute love everyone in my life! They amaze me and teach me every day. Here are some examples:

I came home from Africa and when people would ask about the trip, I would tell them all about it! I love those kids and I love talking about them. People would ask if it was a shock to see their living circumstances and I would without a moment of hesitation say, "yes!" I gave examples of what I saw being there and shared my feelings with them. They typically would nod and say, "yes. you have learned alot. we are truly so blessed." and then they walk away. BUT THEN there is that one person who doesn't stop thinking about what I have told them. That one person who can't get the kids off their minds. And they decide that they want to help. For me that one person has come as a few.

First of all, my aunt Christie. She asked about my trip and I told her about the place, the children, and the stories. One story I told her was about how while holding a little boy he fell asleep in my arms and soon enough wet his pants. I mentioned that they don't have underwear there and so it quickly went from his bum to my legs. I recieved a phone call from her shortly after telling her this story and she had decided that she wanted to do something to help. She asked me to come speak to her RS at an Enrichment activity and give a presentation on humanitarian work and my experience in Africa. In return all the women in her ward would bring one package of underwear for the children at the orphanage. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave the presentation and was touched that nearly all the women were crying. Their ward donated almost 300 pairs of underwear for the orphanage. Knowing that there were more than that my mom and Grandma decided they needed to step in. My Grandma made the decision to not buy so many gifts for each other this year and donate all money to underwear for Africa. Her and my mom raised another 300 pairs of underwear and earlier this month the underwear was presented to the children at the orphanage. Each child now has ONE PAIR of underwear... and are so thankful for that. Imagine if we had only one pair?

I have since recived letters from workers in Uganda who are so thankful for the underwear. Their joy makes me so happy and I can't wait to let those who partipated know the impact their contribution made. The one pair of underwear each child recieved is going to improve sanitation at the orpahange by leaps and bounds... imagine! It's so exciting!

NEXT... My neighbors are amazing people. After telling them of my experience they called me and said, "We want to do something." They told me their idea and read me a poem. I couldn't help but cry because I thought of the truth of it as I heard it and the children't faces and small bodies. This is the poem written by Craig Adams:

"Hyde Park is such a special place to live and be a part,
Each person we have known here holds a place within our heart.
All our children go to school, we have enough to eat,
We have a home in which to live, our lives are so complete.

As we thought of how rich we're blessed, there grew a great desire,
To do something for someone else whose circumstance is more dire.
Jenny Jarrett spent time in Africa and is going there again.
Her stories and pictures touched us deep; with poverty we're not akin.

The stories of kids who have no clothes or even underwear,
We can't see all we now have and pretend not to care.
There are those who don't have the funds to simply go to school,
We hope that maybe just for one, our excess could be a tool.

So for our neighbor gift this year, we hope you'll understand,
We're giving what we'd spend on you to lend a helping hand.
Know that we sure love you and appreciate all you do.
We send a Merry Christmas from our families to you!

And as you read this silly poem, we hope it warms your heart,
Because in our small contribution, you too have been a part."

This is a Christmas story that I know will touch the children in Africa and will make a difference in their lives. I know my life has been blessed by the people I am surrounded by and by the things they do to teach me each day. I am grateful that we are blessed to have the spirit of Christ in our lives all througout the year!

Once the children are done with 6th grade they are done with school at the orphanage. Many are then out on the street. Secondary school (what we know as high school) is $300 a semester and raising that much money is almost impossible for many there. I do hope that small contributions of many will bless the lives of these children. If they go to secondary schools their lives can change so much and more opportunities will suddenly become available to them. They are some of the most loving, precious, eager children you could ever meet. I love them and miss them and can't wait to see them again. I just wanted to share with you my love for everyone and how grateful I am for those who love unconditionally and without question want to help those they have never met!



Mandy said...

What a great reminder of how blessed we are to even have such simple things as underwear! Thanks for sharing.

becky rigby said...

Jen, you are so amazing! So is your family. That is such a great experience and I'm glad you shared it with us. =)

Alisha LeBaron said...

Thanks for blogging about all the things people are doing. That is what Christmas is about!

srmedley said...

Jen you are absolutely amazing! You have the biggest, kindest heart of anyone I have ever met. You better let know before you go to Africa again, I want to help too!