Friday, November 21, 2008

Lubbock, Texas

On November 19, 2006...
I gave my homecoming speech in church. I was officially home from my mission as of November 17 and that means I have been home from my mission for 2 years!!! Ack! Can you believe it!? It's gone by fast but I still look back every single day and wish that I could be a missionary again! Life is good and I do love it. It is good to be home around family & friends and have the opportunity to date and go to school and work and have new experiences but there is just something special about missions and I miss it SO MUCH! I miss teaching the gospel and focusing on others all day ever day and I miss the AMAZING people that I got to meet and spend time with. I try my hardest to still be a missionary every day and I do have a few amazing stories to tell with that, but this post isn't about me... This post is about my younger sister Allison...
On November 19, 2008...
Alli got her mission call!!!! She got called to the Lubbock, TX mission and she leaves January 21, 2009!!! I am so excited for her to go and I know that she will be a great missionary and that it will be an amazing experience for her. But at the same time last night I was hanging out with my friends and I said, "I can't wait for two years to pass..." they asked why and I said, "because that means my little sister will be home from her mission!" They laughed and were like, "Oh geez Jen she hasn't even left yet..." but it's gonna be hard to be the one left at home this time! I love Alli and I hope her all the best!!!!!! She is gonna be an awesome missionary and I can hardly wait to hear her stories!!! CONGRATS SISTAH!!!!!She was SO EXCITED! She was like, "Oh! Oh my gosh! YAY!!!!" (I think she would have been
like that with where ever she got called. lol)

Grinning Away!
Alisha, Allison, Annika, and myself. Me and Annika don't have make-up on... but I still thought it was a cute pic! ;)


The Crookstons said...

Congrats Ali!!! That is way cool.

Carly said...

I had no idea you went to Lubbock. My cousin went there but I think he was there before you. Did you know Jake Parson? Congrats to your little sister- that's too funny she's going to the same place you went.

Alisha LeBaron said...

Love the post! You are so creative! I can't believe that you have been home for 2 years, time flies! I am so glad I have 2 sister missionaries!

Megan said...

Jen, I am much better at blogging than I am at using facebook. This is way easier for me to get all caught up. So I'm excited to check in on your life!

Congrats to your sister.

Also, how long have you been in to cycling? My husband got me into it when we got married. Now, with kids, it's not as easy to get out, but I love it when I do. For now, it'll just have to be spin classes. Next spring we should go out for a ride.

The Kippen House said...

I can not believe she is that old! Isn't she like 11 years old? I swear that's how she was last time I saw her. What a great family you have!!! I miss you a lot!

Anonymous said...

It has been two years since you left me? Wow were does time go? I'm excited for your sister. I was wondering how close she would be to Tammie, but it doesn't look like it is close. That would have been funny. She would have spoiled your sister.

Ashlee said...

Yea for Ali!!! It was so fun to see you guys on Thanksgiving.

The Stokes said...

I totally relate to the beginning to the first part of your post. Can you believe that I'll have been 1 year in a few weeks. It's crazy. I miss it....I told Brent that I need to go back soon. One of these days we need to do a big return trip with the sisters from the mission. Hope all is well! Congrats to your sister!

srmedley said...

Wow Jen - 2 years already? Time really does go by so fast!
Tell Ali Congratulations! That is so exciting!