Sunday, May 20, 2012

the Proposal

Mike proposed to me! Isn't that exciting! He did so good and the proposal was so "him" and so "me." It was absolutely perfect.
Alli had asked me to come up to Logan and go shopping with her so I drove up after work and met her at the mall. We went to Maurices and then we went to Bath & Body Works. In the middle of shopping at Bath & Body Works she said, "Shoot! What time is it!? I was supposed to pick up a portfolio from my Professor today." Then she rambled on about that for a while as she started walking out of the mall. So I followed her and I said, "Do you want me to come with you?" She said, "I don't care." But I went up there to spend time with her so I figured I would.
I had a feeling that Mike was going to propose to me, and as Alli drove to Utah State I thought, "This is where it's going to be. This is where he is going to propose to me!" The Family Life building is right next to Ray B. West (the English building where Mike & I met in January 2008) so she drove past both of them and then parked. There were Ultimate Frisbee players out on the quad playing and I saw Mike's old roommate Rudy. I yelled, "RUDYYYY!" and from a good distance away he yelled, "JENNI JARRETTTTT!" I said to Alli, "It's strange that he knew it was me from so far away (and since I live out of town and it's a weekday)." She said, "Ya..." (Turns out Mike had waited at his house while I was on my way to Logan - so that's how he knew I was in town ;0).) ANYWAY... As we started to walk past the English building I thought, "This is it, Mike is going to come out, or Alli is going to take me in there but it's going to happen here at the English building." We walked right past it. We walked into the  Family Life building, picked up her portfolio and left. I was wondering if she would walk me through the English building since they are connected. But nope. We were walking past the English building towards the parking lot and I thought, "This is so weird. I swear Mike would have done it here. He is so sentimental and this was a special place - where we met, I wonder where he is going to do it if he doesn't do it here..." I started thinking about other places on campus that he may do it.
We passed the doors to the English department and I kept walking, focused on where Mike will be proposing to me... Suddenly from behind I hear, "Jen!... What the heck!?..." It was Mike :). I turn around and he was coming out of the doors of the English building. I look down and see a large vase of flowers, it had been on the steps both times that we walked past. I was oblivious to it and missed them both times!
The next day - how in the world did I miss seeing this on the stairs two times!?
I looked at the flowers and then I looked at Mike and I said, "Mike! Are you proposing to me!?" He just laughed. I walked back to the stairs and next to the vase of flowers was a Shutterfly book with our photo on the cover. I said something, I don't remember what, but I picked up the book and started reading it.
It was the best thing EVER! It was everything you would want someone to say to you when they are proposing. It was filled with reasons why he loves me, favorite memories he has of us together, and things he is looking forward to in the future. It was perfect! Parts of it were very, very sweet, but other parts of it were very, very funny. <3 It was 30 pages long, here are 10 of them that I thought were appropriate to share, the others were longer and more personal or had inside jokes that only us or our families/close friends would get.
"You are the greatest. You do things to break the rules. Even when we have been told not to. Sometimes I get so embarrassed... Butts I do it, cause it is important to you."
"Your crazy driving sometimes scares me and makes me want to be a better driver, even though I know I can't make up for someone elses bad habits. You still kicked my trash that one day in Go Karting." 
"I would like to say something like the thought of being with you forever burns the inside walls of my heart, like a calf being branded. I learned symbolism in Poetry Writing classes we were required to take. You really make me want to be Poetic because most Poets are psychotic. But they also know how to indescribably describe love in the most bizarre and perfect ways."
"When I think of a international traveler, I think of someone who likes to travel to see the world. Not you, who would rather spend days and nights on a mat on the floor feeding orphans with her hands. Someone who enjoys the experience of traveling but also likes helping."
"A man wished he had as much drive as you do. You do as much as you can and still want to do more."
"Man, I loved this day. it has always been one of my favorites. It was early fall/late summer and the fields were white and yellow. It was so beautiful, You, not the landscape."
"I like looking at pictures when we were younger and just beginning. We have grown and changed so much."
"This trip to New York was the best time of my life. Not only did I get you to tell me you loved me; it really solidified our relationship, and I knew I wanted to marry you. Still do in fact."
"This is a pretty big representation of what we looked like back then and what we look like most recently. I really can't wait to see how we look in 25, 50, and 75 years of being together."
"I think my favorite time of these photos was when we went down to Vegas because we went to the temple which will tie us together for time and all eternity."

The last page was a picture of Mike and beneath it, "Are you ready for this awesomeness?" At this point Mike got down on his knee, so I shut the book. He opens a ring box that he had been holding and he says, "well, the ring box that I have is empty, but Jen, will you marry me?"

My first response? "Well, where's the ring?" He said, "Well you didn't finish the book..." I open the book again and on the real last page Mike had created a paper box and tied it up with a ribbon. I pulled the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a rose he had made and in the center, the ring was tied in with a ribbon. (I loved it!)

I love thinking about Mike putting the time into and effort into making the box and the rose. I just imagine his large and handsome man hands gluing down ribbon, delicately folding the paper, tying the ribbons and putting it all together. I love how thoughtful he is, not only in this, but in everything he does and says!
He put the ring on my finger and seemed to think it was over. I reminded him that I never answered him and he started to get down on his knee again. I said, "Just ask me!" So he said, "Jen, will you marry me?" And I said.... "Yes!" (of course!)

Alli had pulled out a video camera and was video taping so she cheered. The ultimate frisbee players had stopped playing and gathered around to watch, so they cheered, then my mom and two of Mike's good friends walked out of the English building, and they cheered. So I got to show of the bling right away :0).
I designed this ring, but told Mike I wanted this ring or one other ring. He chose this one! The photo in the lower right is what it will look like with the wedding band and anniversary bands :)
It was really perfect. It was so us! The language and story of the book is perfectly Mike and I love photo books so it was perfectly me too! I love that he chose the place we met to do it and I love that he got my family involved.
I called my dad and Alisha on my drive home; Austin, Jordan and Vanessa were at my parents house so I showed them the ring and told them the story. After I called my Grandpa's & Grandma's to share the great news with them! I can't wait to get married to Mike. I don't think that the day can come fast enough when Mike and I get to start our lives together not just in the same city, but in the same house! :) 
I just love Mr. Michael Teagle and am so excited to spend forever with him.
Looking at Logan from USU. Perfect place to get engaged. 
Sidewalks along the quad near the Family Life and English buildings.

 Oh! Later I asked Mike how come he didn't realize I never gave him an answer. He said, "I was so nervous!"

Even later we were sitting at my parents table talking and he says, "Well now that the biggest part of the wedding is over..." I was like, "Wait, wait, wait... that was the biggest part of the wedding?" LoL. If that's true the rest of this will just be a breeze ;0).


Lorna said...

So beautiful! I'm so happy for you two that I'm bawling! I'm so glad that I get to be your friend. I want to go on another trip together...where shall we all go?

Chelsey said...

Awww I'm so happy for you! He is a very lucky guy! Being married is so much fun, especially when it's to your best friend!

Robanske Family said...

I know we can all go on your honeymoon together! We ahve so much fun together and we all need a trip!

HeatherAnn said...

Love the book. I love the things that take thought and effort!!

Sara said...

Jj!!! I still want to hear this story in person!! Buy this sounds wonderful! I'm so happy for you!

srmedley said...

Oh my goodness, I love it! You two are such cute, wonderful people. I am so happy for you! I love the ring too! Now keep me up to date on wedding details please!! Love you!

Bug*Blake*London said...

SO SWEET!! I love that. How creative. Congratulations! Made me tear up a bit.

Mandy said...

That is so cute! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Love it! Such a great proposal. So excited for you two!

Unknown said...

Jenni I'm so dang excited for you!!! What a great story!! Congratulations and can't wait for your big day!

The Crookstons said...

Yea!!! I am so happy for you two!

Angie McKenna said...

Oh my heck, that is so cute! Thanks for sharing your story! I am super excited for you-he sounds like an amazing guy!

MacElwee Family said...

Congrats! I love the story and the ring is beautiful! We are so excited for you guys.

Carly said...

this is just the happiest post ever. i love you two! and i love that i got to see you last week! i'm excited to catch up and hear all about your life very soon!

Anonymous said...

YAYAYAYAYAY! This is awesome! I remember seeing you guys in your flirtingness stage. It's been a long time coming! CONGRATULATIONS! :)

Ashley said...

Congrats you two! You guys are a great couple!!! I love the pictures of you two after you proposed, you both look so happy. So excited for you guys!

KJ said...

Finally just read the whole entire story, after you had told me the brief version and I honestly got choked up on some of the things Michael Teagle said, wow JJ you are about to be a VERY lucky girl, well you already are, but extra lucky!