Mike has a friend named Sam. My friends and I got to know Sam when we first started hanging out over 2 years ago. Near the beginning of December Sam was in an electrical accident and has now had to have both of his hands amputated. Through his Facebook page we have been able to follow his journey as he had the surgery that took both of his hands, as he has had skin graphs and as he has come home to Utah and is in the UofU rehab center. I can't imagine what he is going through and don't think I would be nearly as optimistic and positive as he is.
We are hoping to go visit Sam tomorrow and I wish there was more I could do then just go visit. He is a great example of hope and faith and optimism.
Here is a video of a news segment done on him and his brother. I encourage everyone to watch it. It will surely make you grateful for your blessings - physically and technically. http://www.9news.com/video/default.aspx?bctid=724197120001
An example of his optimism and good spirits, here is the post from Sam after his surgery:
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, I wanted to keep my friends and family updated, I had surgery today, my hands were amputated today. And now I don't need finger nail clippers.
December 17, 2010 at 3:17pm
Wow, what an inspiration! Thanks for posting!
Thanks for showing us that post Jen. Mike was telling me about his friend, but it is always nice to have a picture to go with the name. The news clip was a true inspiration. Kelsey and I wish him the best of luck. It sounds like he has the first obstacle beat though, and that is acceptance, even though he has a tough road ahead, his good attitude will see him through.
thanks Jen for your support and encouragement. Congratulations on your engagement!
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