Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mule Deer in Southern Utah

The awesome thing about these photos of me with my favorite animal ever, is that they were in the wild, and I am not zoomed in. Can you believe the awesomeness!? We were walking along one of the trails and I saw them off into a pasture, so I started taking some pics and then decided, what the heck, let's see how close I can get. I have like a million pictures as I progressively got closer and closer, but these are when I was as close as I got.
One of my favorite memories is that on a number of occasions I tried to zoom out, but I couldn't because I was already on the way zoomed out!
(Dad) You should definitely click on the photos to make them larger to see the detail in the photos. I love how in the last couple pictures you can see the curly hair in the deer's ears.
The big buck wasn't moving so I walked away to get capture some more photos of the doe's.
But one of the buck's I was eyeing walked over towards the other, so I followed it over again.
And then I walked right on up to it again.
I asked Mike to come get a photo of me by the deer. I had spent probably 30 minutes with them and they were letting me get a few feet away from them, literally. But when Mike came with me, it kinda spooked them and they ran away before I got too close.
So Mike left and I attempted to get close to them again.
Then I walked a little closer:
I was literally like two to three feet away from these beautiful creatures:
Then it ran away, but stopped to look back at me (I think it was half hoping i would follow):
It was such an amazing day - the hiking was good but the deer - well... they were AMAZING!


The Ericksons said...

Amazing pics!!!

Lorna said...

You should find some contest to submit these pictures into. They are amazing!

The Crookstons said...

The are such pretty animals!! You take some amazing pictures Jen!!!