That's 25 and that's how old I am now. I kept telling my mom that I figure my life is now officially 1/3 of the way over because most people nowadays die around 75 right!? lol. I know there is still so much to look forward to and turning 25 isn't too big of a deal - but kind of a deal because it is a quarter of a century!

I started out my birthday by working on a research paper until 4 AM. I set my alarm clock to 6 AM so that I could wake up and read through it and be to work by 6:30 AM. Well I opened my eyes that morning of my birthday and looking at the clock read "7:45." SHOOT!!!! I was VERY late for work and the paper was now also late (due at 7:30). Ugh! I jumped out of bed and hauled up to campus.
The day got pretty relaxed from there and was quite enjoyable. I worked at the University Inn and did some mentoring, wrote a letter to my little missionary sister and then went home for an AMAZING dinner made by my mom. She wondered if I wanted to go out to eat or have her make something. She is such a good cook that I opted for her to cook. ;^) She made tiny spicy chicken, fried rice, and butterfly shrimp. Mmmmm it was AMAZING!!!!!

I had wanted to celebrate my parent's "birthing day" and recognize them for giving birth to me 25 years ago. So I had made them a cake last night and made big plans to drop off some gifts, the cake, some balloons, and a poster "It's A Girl!" at the house this morning but sleeping in and being late to work kinda ruined that idea. I dropped off the cake in the middle of the afternoon and figured I would commemorate them more on another birthday. I still have never had a child so I still don't know everything that goes into it but I am thankful that my mom carried me around for 9 months and that her and my dad have always supported me. So I figured this "birthday" of mine may actually have more memories for them than it does for me. Because I don't actually remember when the water broke and the ride to the hospital! ;^) So thanks mom & dad for my birthday! And Happy Birthing Day to you! ;^D

I celebrated with my family after dinner by opening presents and eating the cake I made. My mom was going to make one for me but we decided we didn't need that many sweets around the house.

Afterwards I went to my apartment and celebrated with my friends by having cake & ice cream and making a music video (I know - what more could you ask for)!?
Mike actually worked while I celebrated with my family but came over after for the friend party. He celebrated my birthday from Sunday to Saturday and the night after my birthday we went to Maddox. We both got Bison and it was so yummy. Mike had never been there before and LOVED it!!!! We both had fun and it was quite the week having some sort of celebration every day!

It was a great birthday and I am glad I have so many wonderful friends & family that took the time to celebrate my BIG 25th birthday with me!