Monday, December 31, 2012

the Hobbit

One day while I was driving to work I heard the radio announcer say, "Tickets for the Hobbit go on sale this morning at 10:00 AM." Then around 9:56 AM I received a phone call from Mike asking if he purchased tickets to the midnight show on Thursday evening, if I would go with him. I said I would, so he purchased the tickets. 
We live in Orem and he wanted to see it in the best theater around. So we were driving about 30 minutes north, to Sandy, to see the show. Because that is where the best theater is he informed me. He purchased tickets for the IMAX/3-D/48FPS showing. Whatever all of that means for someone like me... All I know is that he was pretty dang excited and that made me more excited than I normally would have been :-)

I am not one for midnight movies. I fall asleep too easily. So while we were awaiting December 13 to arrive I kept suggesting that Mike take someone else or that he find a friend to go with. He didn't even entertain the idea. I was the only one he wanted to join him. So on Thursday night, I got ready for bed, and I went to sleep. I had been asleep for about an hour when Mike came in and woke me up. He said that it was time to go. So here I am - cold and tired and make-up-less but on my way to the first showing of the Hobbit with Mike.
 Inside the theater - I was more awake thanks to theater soda and treats. Every time I got tired, I took swig of soda or took a bite of a Three Musketeer.
It was pretty fun actually going to the midnight showing. Practically everyone (except us) was dressed up. I thought, "Wow. I need to get out more." I feel like all I do is go from the office to home and back again. It was fun to people watch and to see just how many different types of people there are in this world!
I drove home so that Mike could try to sleep since he had to work the next morning and I didn't.

I snapped a picture at 3:45 AM because this is what time I wake up each day (even though my alarm clock doesn't go off until 4). In fact, that morning I had woken up at 3:45 and thought, "Seriously? This is what time I woke up!? Tomorrow at this time I will be going to sleep." But instead - I was still driving home. However, if I hadn't taken that hour long nap before the movie, I would have been awake for 24 hours straight. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me because the last time I did that was 10 years ago when I graduated high school and we stayed out all night and then hiked the SV to watch the sunrise. I like my sleep, what more can I say?
Anyway, after hashing out the movie the whole drive home, Mike finally drifted off to sleep for about five minutes. <3 That made me happy since I know he needed to be sane for work the next day.
I am not really a good person to talk about the Hobbit because I have never read the book or seen any of the Lord of the Ring movies. But I really liked the Hobbit. I thought that it had a good story line and I loved the way all of the characters looked. I just wanted to keep watching them; the trolls, the goblins, the orcs - they were awesome! In fact, I told Mike as we walked out of the theater that I could turn right back around and watch it all over again. We didn't of course, but I liked it that much! I can't wait for the next one and I hate that they make us wait!

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