Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Walk 2012

Monday I rode with Alisha and her girls up to Logan for the Cache Valley Pumpkin Walk as well as for Austin's birthday. Let's be honest, mainly Austin's birthday but the Pumpkin Walk was a bonus. We had so much fun playing in the leaves, decorating sugar cookies, going to the pumpkin walk, and celebrating Austin's birthday with gifts, cake, and ice cream.

We went to the Pumpkin Walk during the day because it was a downpour for a good part of the day. It would down pour and then stop, and then start, and then stop, almost in exact five minute intervals. It didn't ruin our good-time but sadly, it did ruin some of the scenes in the Pumpkin Walk. We saw lots of props blow over, backdrops fall down and things flying all over. Sad.
The theme of this year's Pumpkin Walk is "Let the Games Begin." So basically - games. It was so much fun to see how people took that theme, and the things or scenes that they came up with. Here are some pictures of this fabulous annual event.


 the Bachelor

 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


 Micky Mouse Olympics

 Nacho Libre



Harry Potter Chess


the Hunger Games

This one was so detailed and went for so long. It was pretty awesome though. I have never read the books but it had lots of scenes from the movies that I recognized.

Duck, Duck, Goose

I just thought that the ducks were real cute in this one.

I Spy

Such a great idea for kids!

Snowball Fight

I loved the way the 'snow' looks.

Hi-Ho Cherry-O

And, I just loved this game. It looks perfect.

Alice in Wonderland Croquet with the Queen

I thought that the queen looked spot-on!

Harry Potter Quidditch

 and of course ending with...

Presidential Campaign 2012

It's always so fun to go and see how talented people are! The things that they do are pretty incredible!

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