Friday, April 27, 2012

Text Humor

It's Friday April 27 and in Northern Utah, it's apparently the perfect date for snow.

Two days ago was the perfect date as described on the movie Miss Congeniality. "April 25 because it's not too hot and not too cold; all you need is a light jacket." (I wonder what she would say if she lived in Utah.)
Ha! I feel completely justified in taking the day to ignore the snow and lay in bed reading "Reader's Digest."

I came across some excerpts that Reader's Digest had pulled from a book of text messages between parents and children. They have a website: I haven't been there yet, but I will definitely be browsing it later. Anyway, I thought I would share the ones printed in the March 2012 Reader's Digest because I enjoyed them.

My favorite:

Me: What time are you picking me up?
Dad: Who is this?
Me: Your son.
Dad: How did you get this number?
Me: I programmed your phone, remember?
Dad: How do I delete people?


Anyway, here are the others, not as funny, but they should at least make you smile on this cold, snowy April day :)

Mom: Your father is driving me crazy. When are you coming home?
Me: I'm out with friends so not till late. Sorry!
Mom: It's OK. I put Ambien in his tea. He won't be annoying me much longer.

Me: Can I borrow 50 bucks?
Mom: You don't call to say hi, you didn't call on my birthday. All you ever call for is money!
Me: 40 bucks?
Mom: OK.

Me: Hey!
Dad: Aren't you supposed to be at school?
Me: Aren't you supposed to be at work?
Dad: Touche...

Me: Happy 49th, Dad! I love you so much!
Dad: It's 48! You ruined my day.

Mom: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
Me: Isn't Dad there?
Mom: Yes, but I like you more.


I just browsed the website and found a couple more funny ones... (Some are stupid so beware.)

Dad: Dinner and a movie?
Me: Sure.
Dad: Can I put it on Facebook?
Me: Put what up?
Dad: That were going out.
Me: Um... if you feel the need to.

Mom: HI MOM!!!! How are you? I miss You Im good Love you! -Emily
Mom: Can you forward me that last text?

Mom: <3 for dinner
Me: Yes I always love dinner.
Mom: Doesn't that mean ice cream?

:) I hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

The Crookstons said...

Those are funny!!
I can't wait to see you!