Monday, September 26, 2011

New Windshield

I have the sweetest boyfriend EVER!

Mike was coming up on a Saturday to help me move all my big things (and all my little things - and everything in between) to my new house.

My windshield had developed two very large cracks due to a dang rock chip and then the heat of the sun. What made me mad was that I just barely got my windshield replaced a year ago. Well like a year and a month - long enough to make it no longer covered by the warranty.
The top crack:

The bottom crack:

Anyways, can you see the cracks. I marked along them in red. Pretty big. Mike kept asking me to get it fixed because he says it's dangerous to drive with cracks in your windshield. Well so after a few months of him asking me about it, I finally made an appointment.

It was for the Saturday that he was coming to help me move. So I called him and asked if he could be there early enough in the morning to take me to drop my car off.

Here is how the conversation went.

Me: "Hey, do you think that you can be up here by 830 in the morning?"
Mike: "Ya, why?"
Me: "Well I was wondering if you wouldn't mind, can you be up here by 830 (it's a 1.5 hour drive from his house) and then take me to drop my car off to get the windshield changed?"
Mike: "Why would you ask me that?"
Me: (Pause.... uh.....)
Mike: "Of course I will take you! You don't even need to ask silly!"

I thought that was so cute! I really didn't know what he was getting at when he asked, "Why would you ask me that?" and then he followed up so quickly with, "Of course I will, you don't even need to ask."

What a guy!


The Crookstons said...

What a nice guy you have!!! That birthday party looks awesome!!!

Carly said...

he is a sweetheart! your adventures all look very fun. we need to meet up for lunch soon. i miss you girl!