We had a family dinner to celebrate this big event taking place in his life. My dad was able to confer upon Jordan the keys to the higher Melchizedek Priesthood which will allow him to give blessings and heal the sick in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Through genealogy and church history Jordan can trace his Priesthood back to Jesus Christ who taught about the necessity of conferring this Priesthood through the laying on of hands.
I know that as prepared as Jordan is he only knows a sliver about what he now holds. As he continues to study the scriptures and lead a life full of good works he will learn and grow and all his efforts will truly be magnified as he serves our Father in Heaven. Congratulations Jordan on the amazing step you just took. We are all proud of you and look forward to watching you grow and hearing your stories.
After an amazing meal prepared by my mom and a gourmet dessert from Alisha we all stayed at my parent’s house to talk and catch up for a while. We had a blast. My dad got out our go kart and started driving Annika around the yard. She was laughing so hard. Obviously she is not old enough to drive but she just kept trying. Her little legs would not reach the pedals as hard as she tried (it was really cute). I put her on my lap and let her steer for a while out on the road which was pretty fun. I was showing her how she was driving all by herself by putting my hands up in the air and she would let go of the wheel and put her hands in the air too! I was like, “No! Annika! You are the one driving!” lol. She did really good and did not want to stop so we all took turns driving her over and over and over again.
I love this video of her & my dad riding the go-kart because you can hear her laugh!
Annika & I riding the go kart
Austin & Annika Riding
Beautiful little Adalyn
All us kids
Jordan & Brian (I like how red Jordan's face is)
I would like to be the first to say: What. The. Crap. To a few things. First. Jordan is that old?! WHAT?! He graduated?! What?! GEEZ. Second. Why was Alisha up here and I didn't get to see her? Geez. Third. When did Austin grow up and get so dang handsome?! Isn't he like 12?! GEEZ. And lastly. Your parents are the bomb. Love seeing your dad in a gokart. He rules.
dido to what Aubrey said. And you have the cutest family! What's your moms secret to growing all that corn?
In my point of view, the perfect ride on toys can also be probably the most classic.
Wow, nice family pic...It was so adorable.
Jim Pedal Go Karts
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